Body therapy

Ameida’s studio is a place for tranquility and inner happiness. Everyone may find something for themselves. We recommend you an individual therapy according to your personals needs. Our body tends to change every day. We are influenced by our daily habits, work, family, environment etc. An intuitive individual therapy will help you to release pain and stress for your body.

Ameida is using these massage techniques:

  • Holistic body therapy is a massage technique by Rūta Stratkauskienė. Holistic massage combine the classical bodywork and main human senses (vision, hearing, taste, touch, smell). It is deep and relaxing massage. During massage muscles tensions and trigger points are releasing.
  • Myofascial plasticity is an intuitive massage. The term fascia (from Latin, meaning “band”) applies to the fibrous connective tissues covering and connecting muscles, bones, tendons, organs, vessels, nerves. Myofascia refers to the fascial connective tissues related to the skeletal muscles (myo from Latin, meaning “muscle”). After working on that, fascia is changing. Tissues become soften and lengthen, harder areas melt away and become more pliable. Client feels less pain. The body flexibility and easier movement appears after one session.
  • Thai traditional massage originally came from India. The legendary Shivago Komarpaj, a physician from over 2500 years ago was from northern India. Mr. Komarpaj combined Thai, Chinese, Indian and Southeast Asian cultures. Thai massage involves deep tissue massage and stretching. The technique provides tension release and restores healthy blood circulation.  Thus the receiver could enjoy the new quality of body flexibility after massage.
  • Gua sha massage (meaning “scraping sha-bruises”) is a therapy that involves scraping the skin with a special massage tool to improve blood circulation. This is an ancient Chinese healing technique. Gua sha is generally performed on a person’s back and neck. Gua sha often used to treat the cause of chronic pain.
  • Aromatherapy massage is a very nice and soft lymphdrainage massage with special essential oils. The client may choose the essential oil according to emotionals and physicals needs.
  • Tibetan singing bowls massage. The sound has an effect for the physical, mental, emotional body. This massage is the best for those, who do not know how to release stress and have sleeplessness.
  • Children massage is a gentle healing touch. During the session parents may learn basic massage movement that will help them to bond with there children while offering them health benefits.






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